Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Accelerate Your Life. Die Early.

Has anyone else noticed how NBA games telecast on TV are peppered with ads from the armed forces? Of course the glitzy, high octane, adrenaline pumped ads depicting young men taking control of their lives and moving upwards and forwards are a great gimmick and just another aspect of our new world order. What I why wonder is why the targeted audience.... young 'urban' males who watch basketball. How come there are no such ads after the OC? or Gilmore girls? Anyway targeted marketing aside... I think the ads should be changed slightly to reflect reality.

For example:

'NAVY. Accelerate your life.' change it 'NAVY. Accelerate your life. Die Early.'

'The Few, The Proud ...the Marines.' - to 'The Fewer, The Proud, The Marines.'

'ARMY.' 'An Army of One' to ARMY. 'An Army of One'.


At 7:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good take on switching the wording, but here's what gets me. Why do the Armed Forces advertise at all? Isn't the point of advertising to get people to use your product or service over your competition's? What competition does the US Armed Forces really have? They don't advertise in any other country I've been to. What's the deal?

At 12:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

haha, I totally agree!
Why do they have to be on TV at all though? You'd think they have enough advertising. For example, at my high school the NAVY and the ARMY have their own table in which they stand everyday oogleing at chicks and randomly throw paper balls at the other tables, and sometimes do push-ups with ppl on their backs, so basically showing off, when they COULD be somewhere else and fight or whatever, instead of trying to recruit kids that don’t even care for them, its not like anyone ever asks them about recruitment! and the only time i ever did see anyone talking to them about anything related to their job discribtion was when a bunch of my middle eastern friends randomly started talking to the recruitment guy yet he didn’t know what the hell HE was talking about! He just said "I am doing what I can to SUPPORT my country what are y'll doing?", but wtf?! I think i do a better job than him just by talking to people and explaining our situation and discuss WHAT we can DO to prevent it.
I feel sorry for these guys b/c they could have a bright future but they are ruining the chance b/c they think they have no other way of geting a better future thn by joining the army or w/e. Well wow this is long so I better end this, ha btw i like your blogs they are very interesting, keep posting


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