Joe momma so dumb she got her taxes done at Blockbuster.
For the longest time I was obsessed with doing my own taxes. I have a finance degree... if they expect the entire population to do this, why couldn't someone with half a brain, and an 80,000 $ degree be able to do something that is apparently so 'simple'. Anyway a bunch of pathetic returns later I thought I would give the 'experts' a shot. Since I had too much going on financially this year I thought it would be the perfect time to try. So in my anal retentive, control freak, variable reducing way I did my own taxes first then went to the resident 'expert' at H&R Block to compare. He was a complete Dumpkopf... Half the time I was telling him what to do, and what forms he should use..... Anyway at the end he ended up getting less money back than I did and when I showed him that he insisted on redoing the whole thing. After fudging the numbers, (especially my rental property),zero-padding and what I felt like was pulling deductions out of his assuring me he wasnt doing anything wrong, he ended up getting a 1000 more than I was (after paying his 400$ commision.) I was very hesistant signing it but he said it was all 'legitimate'. Well since then I haven't been able to sleep comfortable thinking this 'expert's 'manipulations' werent exactly 'halal'.
Well Karma is a bee with an itch..... My tenant from my rental property called me tonight and said the fridge had died and I needed to buy a brand new one....$1000 easy come ...easy go...